Pastor Ramin Nesari of House of Prayer Christian Church also known as Assembly of Prayer Christian Church Hephzibah, GA, is a preacher of the Gospel of Jesus Christ in this visionary church. “Where there is no vision, the people perish: but he that keepeth the low, happy is he.” (Pro. 29:18) This scripture exemplifies the mutual mission and passion shared by all of the Assembly of Prayer Christian Church Augusta, GA congregations. House of Prayer Christian Church has local congregations throughout America, has a united front and is a catalyst of compassion it has impacted the entire world. The deluge of requests for help from pastors and ministers around the world continually pour in. There is a need now more than ever to galvanize the body of Christ here at home and abroad. Countries such as Brazil, Jerusalem and Haiti have benefited tremendously from this amazing organization. Countless lives have been blessed by their generous support in charitable contributions of finances, clothing, food and medication. These labors of love have impacted both great and small communities alike proving that the people of this compassionate church are not prejudice nor partial to any group of people, but their desire is to see the work continue to spread into other countries as well. Furthermore, as the scripture says, “…The harvest truly is pleanteous, but the labourers are few;” (Mat. 9:37)
Ramin Nesari of House of Prayer Christian Church’s Testimony
Pastor Ramin Nesari of House of Prayer Christian Church knows the importance of world missions, which is very personal to him. Ramin Nesari of House of Prayer Christian Church is originally from Afghanistan he came to America as a young Muslim boy. His new home in America, a Christian nation, caused him to doubt his faith. The Koran left him with many unanswered questions about God and humanity and a new spiritual pilgrimage began to take root. Later on in life as an Airman in the US Air Force, Ramin Nesari found all the answers to his questions when he accepted the Lord Jesus as his Savior. In similar fashion to the converted Apostle Paul, he straightway preached Christ and Him crucified. Though he was rejected by his extended family for his new found faith, he did not look back. Pastor Ramin Nesari of House of Prayer Christian Church along with his wife Shavon found a new Christian family. Now twenty years later he remains happily married along with two children: Leyla and Benjamin. This family has served the congregation and community faithfully as a team in the city of Augusta, Georgia. Though he is anchored in Augusta, he along with his family and congregation still find time to travel to preach the gospel, feed the homeless, and minister to souls throughout America in such places as Washington, DC; Chicago, Illinois; Atlanta, Georgia and many other cities. Even with this Pastor Nesari of Assembly of Prayer Christian Church, Hephzibah, GA continues to display a burden for one of America’s forgotten segments: the American service members. By providing good home cooked meals, informative Bible studies, prayer meetings, and guidance in life-changing decisions, he has brought much needed help and encouragement to establish them in their Christian faith.
Pastor Ramin Nesari of House of Prayer Christian Church is very thankful for the opportunity to return to others the love and compassion that God has graciously and freely given to him. There is no burden too heavy nor need too great that will deter his resolve in helping his fellow man. His unfeigned loyalty to HOPCC Augusta, GA and inspiring messages ministered during national church conferences throughout the years have helped to invigorate this Christian movement. He gives God all of the glory due to His name for the opportunity to help and serve in whatever capacity necessary as the church continues to shine as a beacon of hope and a pillar of strength to all the lost and broken souls in need of salvation.
Gal 3:26 to 29, So in Christ Jesus you are all children of God through faith, for all of you who were baptized into Christ have clothed yourselves with Christ. There is neither Jew nor Gentile, neither slave nor free, nor is there male and female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus. If you belong to Christ, then you are Abraham’s seed, and heirs according to the promise.