House of Prayer Christian Church Hephzibah GA is an exceptional place of worship and a great help to those in its community. This Church is a beam of hope to many families and to the lost of this world. Young and old alike have sought help in many of life’s troubles and circumstances, but none have found so much of the support they need but in the Church of God. This Church has been and continues to be a place where people can go to receive such help. The excellent ministry of prayer, the building of strong families, and the superb youth ministry have been great tools at work to aid the people they care for. Ministries in Georgia is happy to present this great work that this extraordinary place has exemplified.
The Awesome Ministry of Prayer at House of Prayer Christian Church Hephzibah GA
Prayer is the most vital aspect of a Christian’s growth and sustainability in God. Our Lord Jesus Christ taught in Luke 18:1 (NIV) “to show them that they should always pray and not give up.” Throughout the Scriptures, men and women’s successes and strength has come through prayer. Prayer has also been the way that people have gotten the answers from God for the help they need through life’s circumstances. The incredible ministry of prayer at House of Prayer Christian Church Hephzibah GA has brought a reality to this to the lives of men, women, and children. Prayer has been the very cornerstone of this Church’s ministry. This ministry has brought answers to countless people, problems, and needs throughout their lives and those they are around. Prayer has been the start and closing of their devotion to God in its many facets of worship and service to the community. Truly Paul wrote, ” I want men everywhere to lift up holy hands in prayer, without anger or disputing.” House of Prayer Christian Church Hephzibah GA has used this to solve many of the circumstances that have risen and come to them.
Building Strong Families
Strong families are a paramount priority to House of Prayer Christian Church Hephzibah GA. This Church has taken great care to help families be strong and live in unity within the family circle. In a world where families are broken up and have no real answers or solutions to keep them together, This remarkable Church has made it one of their great tasks to provide them with solutions and answers to their needs. Ecclesiastes 4:12 (TLB) says, “And one standing alone can be attacked and defeated, but two can stand back-to-back and conquer; three is even better, for a triple-braided cord is not easily broken.” This Church has brought broken families together, restored marriages, helped parents with their children, and brought structure to families that have been disarrayed because of various turmoil. It has been remarkable the care and thought that has been displayed by this group’s dedication and love they have shown despite all the problematic scenarios that they have seen.
Excellent Youth Ministry
The youth are an essential part of a church and of God’s kingdom. Therefore, children at House of Prayer Christian Church Hephzibah GA are taken into significant consideration, and many of the church’s individual ministries and works revolve around the youth. No soul, regardless of their age or physical capabilities, are left behind or shunned. Jesus said in the Gospel according to Matthew to, “Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.” (Matthew 19:14 (NIV). This remarkable Church’s efforts and love for children has not gone unnoticed. The children there are vibrant and show an excellent knowledge of God’s Word. Their Ministries are helping children stay off the streets and help them make life decisions when it is time. The exceptional work that this Church has put into the youth in their community is a firm foundation that these children can stand upon.
Their ministry of prayer, resilience on building Strong Families, and the excellent youth ministries that have been displayed at House of Prayer Christian Church Hephzibah GA have been a wonder to Ministries in Georgia. This Church has displayed incredible help to those in their area, and they continue to be a place where those in need can find hope in God.