HOPCC Augusta, GA
Knowing the rich history of Augusta, being the state of Georgia’s second-oldest city and one of its largest, Ministries in Georgia thought it appropriate to turn its eyes to this particular city in search of those churches and mission groups that had not let the spirit of missions die. In our search of this city, our team came across HOPCC Augusta, GA. We began to look into the history of this church, all that they do, their jail ministry, and evangelism efforts, and it became evident that this was the church that we were looking for. Upon the completion of the examination of this church, the board of directors at the Ministries in Georgia felt it necessary to highlight this group for their unrelenting motivation to make a difference not just in their own lives but in the lives of others; from every part of the world!
History of HOPCC Augusta, GA
HOPCC Augusta, GA, as most churches, had a humble beginning. In the year 2004, in the city of Augusta, GA, a church was formed. It was a small family-oriented house church; however, this small house church would become a place for the outpouring missionaries and missionary-minded men and women that would not only evangelize their city but would eventually spread around the world. It did not take long with the evangelical efforts of this church to outgrow their small house church, and in the year 2007, they would open services in a new, much larger building. Unlike most, bigger did not mean a time to slow down but rather a time to pick up the pace and continue. Despite the blessings that they had already received, their eyes were not on the physical but the spiritual needs, and they saw an opportunity to reach someone else for the Lord. Now with multiple locations in and around the city of Augusta, HOPCC Augusta, GA, continues to lead the charge making a difference in all that they do.
Citywide evangelism
The city of Augusta is vast in size, with many suburbs surrounding it. It is truly a harvest field that is ripe for harvesting. HOPCC Augusta, GA, is a church that is up for that challenge. From the oldest member to the youngest, the newest in the church to the one that has been around the longest, it does not seem as though there is one that is not actively involved in evangelizing this city’s great opportunity. Men and women from all walks of life and every corner of the globe gather together and go out to reach this city, showing them the love of Christ. Very seldom anymore do you see men and women love beyond their own families or dose friends; Paul stated in 1 Corinthians 9:19, “though I am free and belong to no man, I make myself a slave to everyone, to win as many as possible.” (NIV) HOPCC Augusta, GA, has followed wholeheartedly after this scripture, treating everyone they come across as family and showing them that love that so many never knew existed. In their evangelism efforts, they strive to be a brother to those that need a brother, a mother to those that need a mother, a father to those in need of a father going beyond just Inviting someone to church but desiring to aid in any way possible. In a world full of violence and hatred, It Is good to see a group such as HOPCC Augusta GA fighting to love and love even the one’s society believes unlovable.
Jail Ministry
With a heart seasoned with their evangelical efforts and a love for man, HOPCC Augusta GA has gone as far as starting their own Jail Ministry! Men and women throughout the world in every country and every state deserve the opportunity to hear the Gospel message; this is no different for those that are incarcerated. The jail ministry of HOPCC Augusta GA is a selfless ministry that strives to reach those that others have already counted as lost. All souls are precious to God, and that coupled with the message of redemption and forgiveness are what the members of this church bring to those that have found themselves in a bad place in their lives. Preaching the word of God, singing hymns, and praying with the inmates is not only an encouragement in a time of need but also to many the hope that they needed. It is the prayer of HOPCC Augusta GA that the inmates reached during their jail ministry one day would be added to the list of missionaries being sent around the world to show that there is hope to the hopeless and that Christ can forgive all!
People from all over the world have found their way into the sanctuary with this mighty group, some hearing the Gospel message for the first time, others coming to find that they can rekindle fires that were once set ablaze. This group and their love for God have seen lives changed from Augusta’s streets to the highways of Atlanta; they have ministered the Gospel to the homeless and the wealthy, and they have reached out to the imprisoned and the free, stateside and abroad in nations around the world. HOPCC Augusta GA has set an example of what it means to evangelize the world. We hope and pray that their example may inspire you to reach out a little further and keep missions alive in your heart, at home, and abroad.