Crosspointe Church is located in Valdosta, Georgia. This church has grown over the years. It started with a vision of Christians that prayed in a living, and today the church has a large building and is constantly growing. Crosspointe church has a willingness to go wherever God sends them. The church membership is not afraid of change, and they take serious the commandment of Jesus Christ to “make disciples” seriously.
CrossPointe is a contemporary church in which people can dress casually feel welcome. The church preaches relevant messages of the gospel of Jesus Christ. These messages empower people to live a life of faith and victory. It allows people to grow in a relationship with Christ and fosters care and concern for others. The worship at Crosspointe is very passionate and spirit-filled. People can get in contact with God and be in an atmosphere of prayer. People can express their love for God and all He has done for them through music, song, and prayer. The atmosphere of this contemporary church equips people to serve the Lord in kingdom work. From Crosspointe, laborers have been sent out to plant churches and to be missionaries to the ends of the earth.
Crosspointe is home to many effective and fruitful ministries. There are men groups and women groups in which people can fellowship and encourage one another with prayer and Scriptures. In addition, the church has an amazing children’s ministry. There is a preschool ministry and a ministry called Discovery Pointe Kids. The children’s ministries are a safe and clean environment for children to learn about Jesus Christ. The lessons are age-specific and taught in a creative and relevant way that stays with the children after leaving the church.
Crosspointe church has live services every Sunday at 9:15 AM and 11 AM. Moreover, ministries in Georgia is glad to showcase this church that is working hard for the kingdom of God in the Peach State.