Have you ever longed for a place where peace and rest for the troubled mind can be found? A place where lives can be transformed by the power of God and where souls can hear the gospel and be saved from the wrath to come? This is the description of Assembly of Prayer Christian Church Savannah, GA. It is a welcome oasis in the proverbial desert where streams of living water flow to quench thirsty and dry souls. The men and women in this loving church are a group of people that are truly seeking God and telling as many others as they can about the life-changing power of God. Assembly of Prayer Christian Church Savannah, GA, is a soul-saving station that is shining a ray of hope to souls in the midst of a dark and chaotic world.
Assembly of Prayer Christian Church Savannah GA Testimony
In the Gospel of Matthew, Jesus told his disciples to ” let your light be shining before men, so that they may see your good works and give glory to your Father in heaven.” Matthew 5:16 BBE. The church in Savannah, GA, is a beacon glimmering to people of all nations throughout the city. Their outreach stretches, in particular to the many military service members stationed at the post nearby. One soldier in particular who felt as if he had no purpose in life started attending services and was tremendously encouraged by the preaching of the gospel. He found a new purpose in serving God and helping others. Now he lets his light shine as a preacher in the ministry for Jesus Christ. This same light shining through Assembly of Prayer in Savannah, GA, was held high on a missionary trip to Israel. They let their light shine on all those around them in Jerusalem and every stop in between. On one specific occasion, the group was singing and worshipping God on the streets of Jerusalem when they were joined by a man who was a Jew from Detroit, Ml but was studying abroad there. He was drawn to sing and worship God with the Christians even though he was a proclaiming Jew. Afterward, the man shared with Assembly of Prayer Christian Church Savannah, GA members that he felt blessed and noted that “it was something special to have crossed paths with this amazing church. This man was just one of many who testified of this wonderful church’s light shining bright in a darkened world.
The same light that was held high and beaming in Jerusalem continues to radiate in and around Savannah. Assembly of Prayer Christian Church Savannah, GA, is a powerhouse where people are drawn to the light of Jesus glistening through the lives of its members. Ministries in Georgia is thrilled to help carry this light to let it shine that a may see.