Assembly of Prayer Christian Church Hephzibah, GA
“Ye are the light of the world. A city that is set on an hill cannot be hid” (Matthew 5:14). In our constant effort to discover noteworthy Houses of worship, Ministries in Georgia is often forced to look outside of the mainstream. Though not an easy task, our objective, as always, is to uncover these paradigmatic churches and report about them to our readers. Often, churches like these are obscured to the conventional churchgoer because they shun the limelight and seek no recognition. However, their light still shines as a beacon for all interested in finding that old-time religion. Finally, we have found one of those gems. The small city of Hephzibah – situated outside of Augusta, GA – is not known to the world for anything special: no major corporations, no well-renowned people, or no historical sites; however, nestled within this city is a place of inspiration for all Georgians and Americans alike: Assembly of Prayer Christian Church Hephzibah, GA.
From Firing Range to Spiritual Arsenal
Though initially started in a home, this uncanny religious establishment’s humble beginnings and tenacity are demonstrated in the first major battle to confront them: acquiring a church building despite insurmountable odds. During the summer months of 2010, the pioneers endured the hot blistering Georgia heat as they sweated in toil and labor to fulfill their quest to secure a building suitable for their needs. After many grueling days filled with long hours of combing the city and speaking to realtors and owners of various facilities, these visionaries’ faith was tested as they reached an impasse. Every door seemed closed: prices were too high, buildings not zoned for church use, insufficient funds, and financial institutions with unrealistic expectations unwilling to budge to grant a loan. All hope seemed lost – until one late evening upon a hill, the pioneers located an abandoned building uncovered by the moon’s light. This multi-purpose edifice at one time served the community as a pawn shop with firing and archery ranges. Within a matter of days, the tide had turned in their favor. A contract was negotiated close to half the listing price, and finances were miraculously provided. No doubt, favor from above was granted, and thus Assembly of Prayer Christian Church Hephzibah, GA was now ab le to become a spiritual armory for their community.
Blessings Bestowed by This Ministry
Just as an armory contains many different types of weapons, this remarkable church incorporates the vision of the Bible by preaching the gospel clearly, fearlessly, graciously, and respectfully wherever the opportunity presents itself and to whosoever would receive the gospel. Regardless of nationality and social standing, all are welcomed to come to hear the message of hope and love spread throughout the deep Southern city. As a result, the homeless have been fed, countless sinners have prayed for salvation, and church members have experienced their lives changing for the better. Many have testified how they were healed from sickness and disease, received promotions at their job or other financial aid, and how the marriages headed to divorce court were turned around and restored. And just as the pioneers in the summer of 2010 did not hang their weapons on the wall in despair, today’s Assembly of Prayer Christian Church Hephzibah, GA, fights on to win spiritual victories.
Mission Minded for Atlanta, GA
Not satisfied to just rescue souls in their city, Assembly of Prayer Christian Church Hephzibah, GA, has taken to the streets of Atlanta, GA, to evangelize the multitudes in the valley of decision. Through this work, relationships have formed with pastors, clergymen, and community leaders. Russian American churches opened doors to allow them to minister in testimonies, singing, and words of encouragement, and they have driven to break bread with the saints in Hephzibah. Many would stop there and declare a good work has been done; no, Assembly of Prayer Christian Church Hephzibah, GA, takes the fight to the trenches. Atlanta is the 15th largest city globally, where 22.6% of its population lives below the poverty line. So, this church of love can be found at the Speaker’s Corner located in Atlanta’s busiest park preaching energetic and powerful messages of hope and love – showing whosoever would listen there is a more excellent way than the life now being lived.