Randy Bercini of House of Prayer Christian Church has been a long-standing pastor within the church group when it started in 2004. House of Prayer Christian Church or otherwise known as Assembly of Prayer Christian Church or by its acronym HOPCC is an old-time Bible-believing church that preaches the truth in love. House of Prayer has churches in several states within America. Every church is a church of prayer with daily noontime prayer meetings and a worldwide vision to turn people’s hearts back to God through prayer.
Randy Bercini of House of Prayer Christian Church Testimony
Randy Bercini of House of Prayer Christian Church was born and raised in southern California. Upon graduation from high school, Randy Bercini enlisted in the U.S. Army and eventually was stationed in Korea, where he was born again by the Spirit of God. After his conversion, he accepted the call to preach and later attended a seminary that prepared him for the ministry. Randy Bercini of HOPCC church has been in the ministry for over 25 years and has labored with his wife Priscilla Bercini, winning many souls to Christ!
Pastor Randy Bercini of House of Prayer Christian Church is a skilled gospel preacher able to rightly divide the word of truth. He has been preaching in many pulpits throughout America, having been a pastor in Lawton, Oklahoma, then in Killeen, Texas, after that in Greensboro, North Carolina, and last but not least, Augusta, Georgia, where he is currently pastoring a congregation. Randy Bercini of HOPCC, through his training and study of the Bible, has mentored many younger Christians into a deeper faith and walk with God, being able to guide them through the Scriptures to be a fervent and effectual prayer warrior for God.
Randy Bercini of HOPCC has a heart to serve others and to be a blessing to the work of God. He is ready at a moment’s notice to do whatever he can to help people. He is following the motto of House of Prayer Christian Church to Love all the souls that we can now! Do all the good that we can now! To all the people that we can now! In all the ways that we can now! In all the places that we can now! At all the times that we can now! The Bible says in Acts 20:35, “In everything I did, I showed you that by this kind of hard work we must help the weak, remembering the words the Lord Jesus himself said: ‘It is more blessed to give than to receive.’ ”