There is no waiting on God for help, and there is no help from God without watchful expectation on our part. If we ever fail to receive strength and defense from Him, it is because we are not on the lookout for it. Many a “proffered succor” or offered assistance from heaven goes past us because we are not standing on our watchtower to catch the far-off indications of its approach; hence, we do not fling open the gates of our heart for its entrance. Note: he whose expectation does not lead him to be on the alert for its coming will get but little. Watch for God in the events of your life.
An old homely proverb says: “They that watch for providence will never want a providence to watch for.” However, it may be turned the other way to say, “They that do not watch for providence will never have a providence to watch for.” Unless you put out your water jars when it rains you will catch no water.
What do you think would happen if you saw a man at a bank fill out a withdrawal slip, wait in line, lay it before the teller, take it up again – and nothing more? What if he did it several times a day, exactly the same way? I submit to you there would soon be orders to keep the man out! Those men who come to the bank really meaning business present their checks, wait until they receive their money, and then they go; but not without having transacted real business. We ought to want to be more practical and use common sense with God in pleading His promises.
Real businessmen do not put the paper down, speak about the excellent signature, and discuss the excellent document; but they want their money for it, and they are not content without it. These are the people who are always welcome at the bank, and not triflers. Alas, a great many people play at praying. They do not expect God to give them an answer, and thus they are mere triflers. Our heavenly Father would have us do real business with Him in our praying.
Proverbs 23:17-18 “Let not thine heart envy sinners: but be thou in the fear of the LORD all the day long. For surely there is an end; and thine expectation shall not be cut off.”